
For the first time

My whole life, a boy has never liked me back. Sure, boys have had crushes on me but never that one boy that I am obsessed with. The boys who I liked always made fun of me calling me names and spreading rumors about me but the funny thing is I still liked them. I have no idea why. My heart is not normal.

When I entered 6th grade, I wasn't planning on liking anybody. My biggest fear was no being able to open my locker and my biggest challenge was to find my classes. That all changed when I saw a certain boy on my bus. Sure, he was an 8th grader and me being a 6th grader but I could pass for a 7th grader at least maybe even an 8th grader. 

He had adorable blond curly hair and he had a cute smile. He was funny and had an amazing laugh. Not to mention, he was cute :) I found out he only lived a block away from me.

Well one day since my sister plays clarinet in one of the bands (she is amazing at it), she wasn't on the bus, so the seat in front of me where she usually sat was open. My crush, let's name him........Mike, Mike got in trouble by opening one of the windows without asking permission and got moved in the front.....where I was...where my sister sat...inches away from me.

This annoying girl who knows him, she's in my grade, asked him for help with her math homework. I kind of zoned out because it was just so annoying to watch. Well, after a minute or two just watching the houses pass by and the sound of the bus's wheels hop along the roads, he turned around. To talk to me. ME!! A 6th grader. 

He asked, "Don't you have a sister?"
While I was freaking out I managed to spit out, "Yeah."
"Are you twins?"
"No, duh!"
He laughed and replied, "where is she?"
"Colt band, she plays the clarinet."
"Oh cool."

That was our first conversation but not the last. During the course of the year, since he got in trouble mostly every day. We talked. I find out he actually knows where I live. He made fun of the annoying girl and I wanted to hug him. I always found out where he lives, call me creepy, but us girls need to know these things. 

I play basketball and since 6th graders can't try out for school teams, starting in 4th grade and ending in 8th, you can play on a travel team. Representing your town and your grade. Well, we had practice and it was 10 minutes left. And we were scrimmaging. And there he walked in. My twin sister also plays and walked by her and bumped her. She looked over and her jaw dropped. Can you be anymore obvious. No words were exchanged as our team practice ended and he just sat there with...a girl :( 

Well, imagine my surprise when the next day, when I was going onto the bus, I sat down and put my backpack on the floor next to me and put on my seatbelt and Mike walks in. I was getting used to that though because he is on my bus. 

"Saw you at basketball practice yesterday."
"Yeah," I replied with a small smile.

HE DID SEE ME!! I had to restrain myself from jumping up and down in my seat.  

Well, when spring came, March, he stopped coming onto the bus. I thought this was weird because, by then I knew where he was at what time (to just 'bump' into him ha) and he was in school because I see him almost everyday. I soon found out he made the baseball team. And I was said.

By that time, I was was making my mom drive me down he block just to see his house. One day, I was begging her but she said no and when we passed his blocked, he was playing on the street with his friend. My sister and I both screamed and said it's mike!

My mom turned around and drove down his block to where he was. And she rolled down her window. I didn't stick around though, my sister in the front seat couldn't hide. But I did, I dove into the back. 

"Did you see a dog runnning around here?" my mom asked.
"Um, no," Mike replied.
"She's a boxer and she is brown and black."
"No, I never saw a dog run down or pass the block."
"Well, if you see if her can you please take her back to our house. We live on blah blah's-" He caught her off.
"Yeah, I know where you live."
"Okay, well thanks."


So, fast forward to June. My sister wanted a new hair cut. She decided to get bangs. Not side bangs, just regular bands that rest on your forehead. Let me explain something to you, my sister and I have always had long blond hair. And we never have cut if more than 2 inches for a daily trim. So, getting bangs, I was like no way. But when my sister got them, I was like why not?

I loved them, they shaped my face perfectly and all I could think about is will he notice?

The next day at school, everybody made fun of me. I am not bragging, but I am pretty. They were jealous and it was annoying. Calling my ugly, look at her name hair cuit!, look how dumb she looks! By the end of the day, I was done. But we were in the media center (library) in Language Arts class, typing our essays up. My sister and I were at the end of the row of computers, by the entrance.

I only noticed he walked in when I heard the door slam. He asked my teacher if he could use a computer but he got caught for chewing gum. So, he used a computer. I went to the bathroom because I thought I was going to stop breathing by that point. 

After I came back and all of my friends were done typing we sat down at one of the tables, right behind him. WAIT! Ok, my library is set up when you walk in there is a circular table with four computers. Then there is pull down screen and computer in the center surrounded by tables for students to sit at. Well he was the computer surrounded by the tables and we were sitting at the table right behind him.

Our teacher, even though she favored us, made us split apart for being too loud. So, it was only my sister and I. We were reading this annoiyng book called, "Roll of thunder hear my cry." He was a swivel chair and swung around and asked, "What book are you reading?"
I replied, "Roll of cry, hear my thunder, i don't really know."
He smiled. "That is my favorite book." Note sarcasm. 
I nodded and went back to my work.

You know that feeling when somebody is staring at you and it freaks you out. By then my sister and I were concetrating on our work. I looked up and he was staring at me. But he was doing a funny motion. He continued to stare at me even when I caught him, so I am like Carr (caroline, nick name for my sisterm). And when she looked up he swiveled back around and pretended to be typing. I laughed and said never mind. He kept doing that and me calling my sister and saying never mind until the end of the period, it was last period. We didn't say goodbye, it was weird. 

Well, it was the last day of school for the 8th graders and graduation was that night. And I wanted to say goodbye to him when he walked off the bus but I couldn't what would I say?

I spent the whole summer thinking about him. Not once ever seeing him. I was in pain. But I never forgot him and never liked anyone else. Call me crazy but I liked him. 

Fast forward to October. I recently split up from my best friend and was in no mood for Halloween. Well, it was like 2 weeks before Halloween and my sister and her friend, Jackie, wanted to go to great adventure for october fest. It was a saturday and it was packed. It was a sold out day. When we were walking out at 12:00 midnight, we were so tired. And ever so quickly I caught a glimpse of the side of a face I knew too well. And there Mike was in skin and flesh. Fate?

He noticed me but didn't say anything. I observed he had grown, he was about my height, (5'8") I told you I was not your normal 6th grader, now he was about a good 4 inches taller than me. I thought about him all the way the home and until I closed my eyes. I don't have dreams a lot so I didn't have dream about him ha.

Well Halloween, I made the mistake of wearing a costume that everybody made fun of me in. I don't even want to describe it. It was the most horrible experience ever. So far 7th grade was going terrible for me. When I came home, I cried and my mom hugged me and she said come on we are going trick or treating. I was in no mood at all to get candy. No, I hate Halloween and to this day I hate it. All because of my stupid ex- friend and jealousy. But I was forced and they forced me to go trick or treating at Mike's house. His dad answered and said he dropped mike off about ten minutes ago. He was nice.

We went to the grande (which is an area in my town where people live, tiny houses) and I saw my ex friend, she was following us and I was having the worst time until I saw...Mike. And again we never talked. But it was a perfect thing to brighten up my day. Then after we were trick or treated out, my friend Jackie made me go back to his house to try and catch him. His dad answered again and was like your back! And we asked if Mike was there. And this time his mom was there too. They said they were going to pick him up in a few minutes. Then we started just talking. They asked us what high school we are going to, I am going to Colts Neck, we live in that town s naturally I want to go there. We left and Halloween was a little better.

Fast forward to March, well I haven't seen him in since Halloween. So, I was looking on our town's rec basketball because I didn't do it this year and didn't know if it was over. Well, I saw a link to the HIGH SCHOOL rec teams. I was curious to see who on them and looked through the pictures. And there was Mike. :) I knew other people who were on the team and said I could go to act like I am there for them but I would really be there for him. Well the game was on March 5th. 

Well, at the game, we had to wait an hour for his team because was the 2nd game. But when he did, he played amazing. He's a really god rebounder. Even though nobody would pass him the ball. :( On my travel team nobody passed the ball to me either. His team lost.

But this still left without an answered question: What high school did he got to?

Well, of course me being the crazy person I really am, I looked his name up on Face book, and his name popped up, and I knew it because it said the school name which is located a town over, a catholic school, and it said year 12. :( I was hoping that we were going to the same high school. I asked my mom if I could go there but she said if its because of a silly boy, then no.

So.....................Please, crossing my fingers and wishing at 11:11 tonight, that this will all work out. 

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