
In the end it won't matter

As we graduate high school, standing tall and proud. In cap and gown. Anxiously waiting for our names to be called so we can finish high school and create our future. Explore new areas and follow our dreams and hearts.
We stand there as a class, graduating together going off to different colleges. Most of your class mates you will probably never hear of or see again. When we all find our dream jobs, we will forget who tripped at homecoming.
Or who liked who. Who dumped who over text message, who was captain of the cheerleader squad. Who dated the big football player or who held the best parties. Who was worst dressed or best dressed. Who was the outsider, loner. Or who was center of attention and queen bee. Who were the players and jerks. This list could go on and on. But it doesn't have to.
Because in the end...it all won't matter.

--Just Another Girl

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