
I don't care

You can scream and yell at me. Whisper in the halls as I walk past. Spread rumors like wild fire across the school. Ignore me for a day.
See my face? I don't care.
For once, I don't care about you. I don't care about your feelings because obviously you have never cared about mine. I don't care if you break down and cry or feel like your world shatters. Because you've made my world shatter so many times it's time you feel what it's like.
Go on and be a bi-polar jerk. See if I care, I don't care if what you think about. So, you hang with the popular group now? And? What is so great about that? Thousands of fake friends and boys who just want to use you?
I'm walking away and saying goodbye. And don't bother calling because I won't pick up the phone. Don't bother trying to talk to me in chorus because I won't listen. I'll turn and walk away.
Because for the final time, can you just understand, I don't care. Simple as that. Not about you or what you think. I Don't Care.

--Just Another Girl

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